Alrighty then! Welcome to Don't Deal in Dice with Dragons, your friendly neighborhood all purpose nerdy gaming blog.
While it's true that nerds tend to have nerdy friends, not all of them focus on the same area of 'nerd expertise.' Some play CCGs, others Wargames, video games, MMOs, read comic books (and can tell you how and why each movie was wrong), and some even play D&D...still.
This blog is a collection of thoughts from a group out here in Oklahoma. Between us, every group is represented to some extent or another. Casual Magic players to those that aspire to be Pro Tour, 'Ard Boyz qualifiers to some (okay, one) who swear Flash Gitz are awesome. (Okay, seriously, they're not just Orks. They're Pirates. And Orks. I rest my case.) Some of us catch every comic book turned movie the day it comes out, others smack them and shout "Read the book!"
There are going to be reviews of video games, regular articles on Magic, various posts detailing a D&D world in midst of creation (and possibly catalouges of the adventures afterwards), and hopefully the painting of many orks and eldar. Also expect random reviews of books, movies, and painting products.
'till next time.
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