Thursday, March 31, 2011

What do Orks really need?

I read about what people say about Orks, and I've heard everything from "Orks are fine the way they are," to "We should have a Monstrous Creature!"  Not sure why on that second one.  It does kinda fit with they way they grow, but I really don't see it as a "MUST BE MINE!" sort of thing.

The way I see it, the biggest problem is Flash Gitz.  These are Nobz that like shooting more than close combat.  But regular Nobz are better at close combat than their lesser brethren, the Boyz.  Flash Gitz are no better at shooting than your average Boy.  In fact, despite their increased focus on shooting, it seems their close combat statistics have improved.  Even if it were an upgrade for a few points per model, I could see a BS of 3 going a long way to making the Flash Gitz usable.

Also, my biggest problem as of late has been Land Raider spam.  Most anything else I've been able to find something to counter with relative ease.  But it's hard for us Orks to pop AV 14.  Very hard to reliably pop it.  And I've never been able to pop it at a range.  Up close, the wonderful squad inside gets a nice round of shooting before they assault into the Nobz, Bikerz, what have you.  Not a nice setup.

Oddly, I can see Flash Gitz solving this problem too.  The Blasta upgrade could easily give the unit Melta and Gets Hot!  As it is, I don't bother buying the Blasta upgrade.  Even at BS 2, I think I'd give it a couple moments thought instead of simply passing it by.

Then again, I don't design the game.  So I could be totally off.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Commissar Reginald Lamont

So I did some thinking as to what sort of character I would be in 40K.  Who doesn't, at least once in a while?  So I thought.

Xenos?  Nah...they leave me pretty dry.

Space Marines?  Maybe.  Might do a Space Marine version of myself eventually.

Chaos?  Now -this- is an interesting option, but that's more likely what I'd be in WHFB.

Inquisition?  I could see that.

But no.  I choose Imperial Guard.  Commissar.  So here's his basic information.

Commissar Reginald Lamont

Physical Characteristics-----

Height: 6'4"
Weight: 240 lbs.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Notable Features: Tall, broad shoulders, and well built. He tends to stand head and shoulders above common troopers.


Homeworld: Reginald Lamont was raised in the Schola Progenium of Orvana Primus after the disappearance of his parents during nearby Imperial Guard actions.

Early Life: Reginald was less than attentive during classes, often failing to turn projects in on time. But he scored high enough on tests to keep his marks acceptable. Considered antisocial, he had a score of fights with other classmates, often due to his odd sense of humor being taken wrongly. It wasn't until beginning training in combat and tactics that the young man began to shine. With an uncanny ability to pick up and quickly learn any weapon, he began to out-pace the rest of his age group. Coupled with a hatred for weakness, in himself as well as others, he was picked out as a candidate for Commissar training.

Current Status: Still young, Commissar Reginald has lost none of his 'antisocial tendencies' since his days in the Schola. But he has learned to control his anger, and rarely makes jokes when not around those he is most comfortable around. He leads from the front, and has proven to inspire Guardsmen to acts of bravery in the face of all manner of horrors. But his success is due to more than just fiery rhetoric and intimidation, having pulled wounded guardsmen from the jaws of death. Very few that he accompanies to battle don't come back, even if they don't return alive.